How technology can enhance education
Computers provide many benefits to education such as:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people were forced to stay at home. Thanks to technology the impact of this on the education of children was reduced. Children could stay safe and continue their learning whilst this was in no way a direct replacement, it prevented many from falling further behind than if it hadn't existed. It is very easy to see this solely as good but it did impact both children's mental and emotional wellbeing [Click Here to Read More]
Every student will learn in a different way and in a class of 30 pupils, it is not viable to customise the lesson to best suit certain students. One such example can be seen in revision. Apps such as Anki can target specific areas of learning that a given student finds weak. Another example is when considering classes of mixed abilities; in such a class you risk either leaving behind some students or not challenging others. Teachers creating digital tasks allows students to go at their own pace without being left behind.
Children being distracted in lessons is a major problem. They will not be paying attention and would require any content missed to either be caught up in their own time or in class (slowing down everyone else). Creating an engaging lesson because every student has to answer a question (similar to PollEV implemented by the university) will drive curiosity as students will want to improve. This also allows for more engaging homework as students can be asked to create videos and presentations that will allow them to learn practical skills for the future.
Overall computers can be used to aid child development. Videogames can improve fine motor skills and working with computers will provide them the skills for future life. This isn't to say some issues do exist such as prolonged exposure causing health issues and social media providing avenues for cyberbullying.
Author : Dev PRABHAKAR, widely known as Deception02 Github